Monday, 30 April 2012

Update 2:


Basically, in the game the player will be a runner, who will run and throw the ingredients of a burger with a sort of guage. Then the player, the chef will have to catch the ingredients in the right order. When the person catches the wrong set of ingredients it will explodes in front of the player resulting in a short blinding effect tht will gives the player more difficulty in playing the game.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Assignment 1 Ideas

Assignment 1 Ideas

Group members:
Zach, Regina, Janice, Joseph

the idea is to navigate through the game by pressing the required buttons as fast as possible within a timelimit.
5 similar games include doodle jump, racing, fruit ninja, scoop, veggie samurai


Sunday, 15 April 2012

My first Post

Your Picture: 
Name and Nickname: Joseph Tay
Hobby : Eating
Visual Effects Expertise : amateur
Favorite Food : Eating rice
Favorite Movie : pokemon 
Favorite Website : | |